Garawan Wanambi

b.1965, Miwatj Region, Australia. Lives and works in Yirrkala, Australia.

Born in 1965, Garawan Wanambi belongs to Marrakulu clan. His father Munuparriwuy Wanambi, was one of the artists who worked on the historic Yirrkala Church Panels. Following his father's death when he was still quite young, Wanambi was adopted by the Marraŋu clan, which is closely connected to his own Marrakula clan. His works offer innovation within the inherited clan designs of the Yirrkala region

Wanambi extends the history and practice of Yolŋu painting. Whilst continuing to use natural pigments and rarrk (crosshatching), he extends the possibilities of these methods through the mixing of natural pigments to form unique colours and deliberate tonal variations. His precise geometry and complex layering of designs create a depth of field on an otherwise flattened surface and a mesmerising optical effect.


Group Show, The Origin of the World
17 March21 April 2023